Yesterday morning, bright and early, we took Mia and Queso and Noodles to the
Ayuda Para la Salud de Perros y Gatos monthly spay/neuter clinic at the Panajachel municipal hall. It was a big day.
Mia was indeed pregnant, despite rumors to the contrary, but she was early enough along that we decided to terminate. It was a tough decision and I'm kinda sad. But there are so many homeless street dogs around the Lake, we didn't feel it was right to add to the burden.
Queso and Noodles, both about eight months old, got neutered and vaccinated. My poor babies! I was so nervous all day waiting to hear that they were okay, especially Sweet Baby Noodles, who is still so small! They came through it like little troopers. I'm sure they'll bounce back quickly.
I snapped some bad quality photos of the day. The lighting wasn't the best and animals are always troublesome to photograph. "Stay still so I can capture how cute you are!!" 😊
My babies, Queso and Noodles, squished into one carrier. They didn't mind. |
Bert and Mia at the back of the line. The clinic is so popular, it often fills up before the open time of 9am. Latecomers get turned away. :( |
It's wonderful to see so many people bringing in their pets! |
Selaine, AYUDA's founder and powerhouse, and the cutest softest puppy ever! |
Signing everyone in. |
People find very creative ways to get their cats in to see the vet! Carried in a sack, in a laundry basket, or just in their arms. |
Two sweet kitties waiting their turn. |
Kim, the AYUDA intern, talking to a lady about her dog's condition. I hope she turned out okay! |
Selaine getting kisses from another sweet pup. I just could NOT get that pup to sit still for a photo! |
Smiling cuz he has no idea what they're gonna do to him. |
A young volunteer getting lessons from Selaine about recognizing dog language. |
A late arrival -- a feral tom cat in a trap. Good catch! The lovely couple who brought this guy in also captured a momma cat and kittens. Excellent work! |
Bert and the wee little puppers!! |
To donate to AYUDA and support the low-cost care of my pets and many others, please visit this link:
A great Xmas gift!
It was one of those days where everything that needed to get done all happened within the space of a half hour. Bert went off to pick up the animals from the clinic while I simultaneously worked and scrambled to help a friend move into the casita. It was a relief when everyone was pretty much settled. That is until the kittens woke up and decided they were well enough to walk about. (They're weren't!)
Numbers on their heads! |
Silly Queso tried to walk and fell down. Then he pooped himself. *sigh*
(It's pink dye on his butt, not blood.) |
Poor Mia. 😢 She still had the spirit to chase our other cat, Rui, which worried me to no end. Not for Rui's sake, cuz he got away, but for Mia's stitches! Ouchies! |
My boys cuddling for warmth. I put a blanket on them after this. They were so cold! It's an effect of the anesthesia, but it's scary to feel your normally warm kitty so chilled. |
Poor Noodles wouldn't stop shivering, even with a blanket and his brother, so I filled up my hot water bottle, wrapped it in a towel, and tucked it beside them. They slept together on a big pillow on the bedroom floor.
Everyone is doing okay this morning. Mia is quiet. Noodles hurt his leg somehow and is limping but otherwise good. And Queso is walking around really low to the if the floor is moving! LOL
Have a great day, faithful readers. Hug your pets!
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