Monday, February 5, 2024

Fully Experience the Moment

Hey, long time no see! 

I just wanted to post a little thing here about experiencing a Guatemalan moment in its entirety.

Here is a 29-second video of riding on a chicken bus. That doesn't sound like much, but watch it real quick before you read what I've written below.

When you watch the video, you can experience only a portion of what it's like to be on a chicken bus in Guatemala. You can hear what I heard and see some of what I saw.
But what is so great about actually BEING on that chicken bus is all the sensations that I got to experience.

I could smell the lady's jalapeño chips next to me, and feel her leg pressed against mine. 
I felt the movement of my body as we zoomed along, barreling around the hairpin turns, jerking forward and back with every gear change.
The pressure building in my ears as we went up up up up up the hill.
The smell of vinyl and rubber and dust.
The breeze coming in the windows cooling a bit of the heat.
The music blasting, the bus engine roaring, the gears grinding, the people talking.
And outside the window, dry jungle cliffs and an amazing vista of Lake Atitlan.

So, my faithful readers, my advice to you is... go out and experience your life!
You may not be in some exotic foreign country, but you can still be fully in the moment in your own life. To those Guatemalans on the bus, it was a completely normal day. To me, it was an mini-adventure on a Monday afternoon.
Have more mini-adventures!

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