Bert is a sucker...but in a good way. He's always giving away his last quetzal to beggars or shoeshine boys. And there are lots of them! But he knows which ones deserve the money. Here is what he wrote:
"These are some of the shoeshine boys in town. The kid with hat (second on the left) is my buddy Carlos. I am 42 years old and this is the first kid I ever met in my life that I actually liked. He is smarter than your average bear...and half the adults in town. Carlos and his little brother Jose (other kid wearing a hat) come to town every day from a little town up the mountain to shine shoes. They do it to help make money for their family and to help to pay for their schooling. I do what little I can to help, buy shoes and backpacks and school clothes for them and buy them chicken every day that I see them."
Shoeshine kids taking a break at La Palapa |
An added bonus in this picture -- in the back on the wall is Bert's 5Q Tequila mosaic! He's been working hard on a commissioned mosaic for a friend that has proven to be an arduous task due to the complexity he designed into it but he is persevering. When he is finished, I'll post some pics.
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