Many towns in Guatemala and Mexico have decorated the cement walls in their public streets with beautiful murals in many artistic styles. But this recently-completed work of art in Panajachel is the best I've ever seen!
My friend, Cynthia C., has been documenting the artist's progress and recently posted these photos on her Facebook. She is allowing me to share them here with you...which is great because when I went to see the mural in person, my camera's battery happened to be dead!
"Pachamama" by artist Glen David Colom Maldonado |
The picture is beautiful but it cannot do justice to the real thing. For one, there are three-dimensional elements in the art. See that eye in the top right, in the spiral of light? It's 3D! Also, the art is huge, as you can see from this picture of the artist, Glen David Colom Maldonado.
Glen David Colom Maldonado, artist, painting "Pachamama" wall art in Panajachel, Guatemala |
You can see how big the painting is next to him. His work is simply incredible. I stood there for several minutes letting my eyes wander over the details. I love the mystical turtle that the goddess is riding on. I smiled at the strange little masked dude on her back. The chakras, quetzal bird, and surrounding vine frame add to this wonderful composition.
Cynthia spoke with the artist and shared this information: "Glen was not commissioned or paid to do this incredible work, telling me the mural is 'for the people.' Mother Earth is central to the Mayan religion; she is giving and loving and expects to be cared for in return."
If you are in Panajachel, you can find the mural at the blue star on the map below. Glen's work is also featured at two restaurants in Antigua:
Samsara and
Location of Pachamama mural in Panajachel, Guatemala |
When I have a few spare moments, I'd like to go out -- with a fully charged camera battery -- and take photos of the other murals in Pana. I've shown you guys pictures of some of them before, but others have recently been completed and are worth sharing. Soon!